More Stocking Stuffers
To Stuff or Not to Stuff ??!!
Thanks to you who responded to my previous blog of April 10th. There are some definite opinions out there regarding whether to stuff your Union Suit bottom cuffs into your socks. Thanks to all of you.
Here is a response I particularly enjoyed:
I come from a family of "tuckers" After a few washings, when
the elastic in the socks began to go and the socks drooped, I knew it
as I (and other guys) have spent a life time bending down and yanking
the socks up and over the cuffs of my thermal long underwear. But ads
- SEARS especially - are notorious for showing guys
in union suits and thermal drawers wearing socks but with the cuffs
of the long johns pulled over the socks. I was told by an uncle that
the rationale was so that men could see that these were "new
styled" long johns and union suits. It seems that originally
(and for some time), long johns did NOT have double
knit, reinforced cuffs. Something we take for granted today but "back
in the day", cowboys might have had to pull their socks up and
over the legs of their union suits to keep their underwear from
riding up and defeating the purpose of keeping the bronco busters
warm and cozy.
Now, I
asked the question (socks over the cuffs or cuffs over your socks) of
all the intimates I know who wear long underwear. I found out some
data I'd like to share.
worked, for a spell many years ago, in an office building that was
downright drafty and always cold in the winter. The heat did
not reach up to our floor and the landlord did not provide heat
from Friday mid-morning until Tuesday mid-morning.
Mondays were like working in a deep freeze. We
had a succession of office workers come and go. I warned all
about the dangers of freezing to death on Fridays and Mondays
(especially) and how the "arctic tundra feeling" might go
on until late Tuesdays or early Wednesday due to the lack of
steam heat.
was a good guy - born and raised in NYC and the son of a police
officer. When I told him, he assured me that although he felt
the cold badly and was terrified of catching cold, he had no issues
on that front as his Dad started him and his brother off wearing long
johns from an early age.
talked about his long johns frequently. When he had them on, he
would tell me and others about his choice. So, I can assure you
he wore two piece ecru colored thermal long johns - long sleeved
shirt and ankle length drawers - as soon as the mercury plunged down
past 35 degrees. But Paul would get upset if he even thought
you could see he had them on. I had to take his word about them
as he wasn't going to show them off even though he never stopped
talking about them.
winter night we went out for a beer after work. It started to
rain, hard, and although we were both snug and warm in our long
johns, Paul stepped into a puddle and got his feet wet. We were
about a block away from my place so we came back and I offered him a
pair of dry socks as well as a towel for his troubles. I live
in a very small place and Paul much appreciated the dry socks but he got
nervous and started blushing when he realized he had to change socks
in full view of me. I asked him what the problem was and he
sheepishly admitted: "I got my long johns on and I don't
like to raise my pants leg so guys can see them. I always got
teased when the boys realized that, to keep warm, I wore thermal long
silly as it was, he made me turn around while he changed his socks.
When he gave me the "all clear" signal, I gave him a
plastic bag for the discarded socks and asked him if he tucked the
cuffs of his long johns into the socks.
course. Yeah. Sure did." He was almost
surprised at the question. "Why, what
other way could you do it?" He asked as I handed him
another beer.
When I
told him, he laughed it off and said, "That would be defeating
the purpose. Why, I wear my long johns to keep me warm.
If I wore 'em with the cuffs pulled over the socks, a breeze could go
up my leg and make me cold.
he continued, "after a few wearings, the cuffs stretch out a bit
and I don't want to wear them up near my knees. No sir. I
want to be warm from my neck all the way down to my ankles."
once discussed the good, old union suit. Now, like me, Paul
grew up doting on cowboy movies and even fashioned himself to be a
bit of a cowboy. So, when I asked him if he owned a union suit,
he laughed it off.
he told me. "Now, my father and my grandfather both wore
union suits all winter long. From Labor Day to Memorial Day
they put on union suits.
Dad is a cop and it was basic for him to wear one as he usually got
the night shift and often times near the docks. So,
when he made me and my brother put on long underwear, we didn't want
the 'old fashioned' kind that guys like him and grandpa wore.
We consider thermal tops and bottoms to be modern and not for old
made sense as kids today wear long johns only if they have the
Superman logo on them.
was in the Army in the late fifties/ early sixties. He was
stationed somewhere in Asia and told me that it was "damn cold"
- especially at night and with guard duty.
froze but the Army provided him with a two piece suit of long
underwear. He gratefully put on his army-issued long johns only
to discover that they were made out of wool. After an hour or
so, he said he was scratching his chest, arms, legs (from the knees down to his ankles), etc.
with the choice of scratching or freezing, he reluctantly continued
to wear the woolen long underwear but wrote to his Dad asking him to
send him some cotton knit long johns.
sir, his Dad did just that but sent Paul two white union suits. Paul
put them on, enjoying the "itch free" comfort of the cotton
but said that he got teased and ribbed unmercifully by the other boys
in the army bunk.
Grandpa!" they would call out to him as they scratched
themselves as if they had a flea circus running wild in their
another occasion, Paul's friend Don was with us. Don grew up
with Paul and they were more like twins - what one liked, so did the
other. What Don did, Paul did and vice-versa.
we got around to talking about going to the Pocano Mountains for some
skiing (or, for me, picture taking). Don was also a weather
freak and reminded both of us to "wear your long underwear.
You boys will get frost bite without a pair of long johns."
asked Don about the "tuck" issue and he surprised Paul when
he told me:
all depends. Now, if I know the night before it is going to be
cold, I either sleep in my long johns to get 'em warm or have them
where I can put 'em on right after my shower. Then, I put on my
socks. But if I get dressed and then get cold, or the
temperatures get really cold unexpectedly, I will just pop off my
shoes and pants and put on a pair of thermal long johns. Then,
the cuffs of my long underwear are over my socks."
agreed, however, that although a union suit would provide more warmth
(it seems that when he ski's, he leans in all directions causing his
parka, sweater and thermal undershirt to hike up and exposing his
bare back) but they were something his grandfather wore and were too
old-fashioned for him.
last voter was Juan, the super in our building (the one who
did NOT give us enough heat and caused a rise in the
sales of long johns). He worked in the cold basement and also
out on the street in front of the building. But, like others,
Juan felt union suits were for "Grandpappy". He was
hip and modern and showed me the legs of his white, raschel thermal
knit, long johns. His white socks were pulled up over the legs.
When I
asked Juan about the choice, he gave me another reason for tucking
the cuffs of his long johns into his socks.
wear long underwear when I'm working here and on weekends when I camp and
hike. Now, if I didn't tuck the cuffs into my socks, ants and
bugs could crawl up the legs of my long johns and I'd go crazy."
it sounded like something out of a Three Stooges comedy, I could
picture how wild and crazy a dude could get with a bunch of ants
congregating and crawling around under his long johns.
Thanks to Joe of New York City for contributing this gem!
Reference My Hockey Player Post of January 3, 2017:
This Hockey Player Prefers Stuffing the Bottom Cuffs of
His Union Suit Into His Socks
I welcome guest postings. Union Suit Fans send me your stories, articles, and photographs along with your first name and hometown:
Added April 26, 2017:
Paul of Menominee, Michigan emailed me this picture of himself wearing his red Union Suit stuffed into his socks and boots. "I guess you would call me a socks stuffer," he stated!
He also stuffs the sleeve cuffs of his button-down long underwear into his gloves as well.
This opinion received from Sam of Northern Lower Michigan:
Now the final word on the subject of to tuck or not to tuck: after your shower, you don your union suit then pull on your socks, now if the temperature is around 10 degrees and you have to get on the John Deere 3039 with no cab and blowing snow for the next couple of hours, you can pull on another union suit over your socks, this keeps the legs of your first suit in place and seeing that your feet will be placed in insulated 15 inch boots, a second pair of socks is unnecessary.
Because I don’t care for the only union suits that can be found in the average store I do my shopping on the net and scan for union suits occasionally. One day I google reported that there was a blog called "union suit fan" and I just had to check it out; and about a year later I reported in.
Sam: With winter winds howling, no doubt this farmer is wearing two Union Suits with socks properly tucked over his inside underwear! I'm glad you checked my blog, pal. On those coldest days I see that you manage to be both tucked and untucked as to your socks and unions suits. I will have to give that a try next winter on those coldest days!
..stay buttoned up to button out winter blasts and keep in touch, will ya? ...Chris