Thursday, March 20, 2025

                         Spring Out of Those Bulky Winter Clothes! 

Today, ahhh the first day of Spring! Maybe not quite yet for a good portion of the still cool (cold!) U.S. and Canada folks. But many of you will soon be shedding your bulky winter attire if you haven't already. 

That's right, no more parkas, scarves, ski pants, flannel shirts, stocking caps, sweaters. Don't even think about it (at least not yet, Union Suit Fans) but sooner or later, no more warm, fun to wear, humorous to see, comfortable to wear...Union Suits. But, you don't have to change out of your favorite long underwear for awhile anyway. 

Like snakes in the process of ecdysis,* these guys this spring unveil to the inevitable. You know, right down to their..... well, take a look for yourselves....'s off with their coats and scarfs and boots...


...and it's down and off with their britches....., off with fleece and sweaters....

....and finally off with their shirts....


 ... until these boys are down to their long red, union suit underwear!

.....ahhh, freedom.....

* ecdysis means the biological process of a snake shedding out of its outer layer or exoskeleton like taking off a well fitting sweater. Not just snakes, but union suit fans can do it too.

Note for Smart Phone Users: For best viewing of the human ecdysis process, and if not viewing this posting on a lap top computer or ipad, turn your smart phone sideways or scroll down to the end of this posting on your smart phone, and select: "View Web Version." 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

It's Back!  March Madness!

Union Suit Fans: Last March, I posted a photo and article received from my very good friend of many years, Joe of New York City. He has a great eye for the unusual and has contributed much to my blogs. This time, his contribution featured a 1930's basketball team that played all of their games wearing only union suits and sneakers! Seriously!

What with the NCAA basketball championships beginning next week, I thought it worth a look back at one of my favorite postings. Hope you agree: 

Talk About March Madness! 

The February 20, 1938 Life Magazine featured a Detroit semi-pro basketball team who played their games wearing only union suits with sneakers. How's that for March Madness? Bet you won't see this in the 2024 NCAA Basketball playoffs!

The team was called "The Original Undies."  Really, no joke!  Their team leader boasted they were "the only basketball team in the world completely attired in union suits." These players acutally play in their one-piece, short-sleeved, button-down long underwear. Nearly laughed off the court in their union suits each game, these boys managed to win a few! No joke! The well dressed Harlem Globe-Trotters had nothing on them!

Thanks to Joe of New York City for sending me this appropriate basketball playoff photo and article as another college March Madness gets underway.

Friday, March 14, 2025

 Boxed and Packaged 


Shock and Ahhh in the new Disney movie, Snow White, premiering this month! 

Watch for snapshots of the Dwarfs, having been awakened in the middle of the night in Union Suit Fans in the Limelight!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

More Stanfield's Union Suits From Canada....

Last month, I featured the story of Stanfield's Long Underwear, a manufacturer of Canadian Union Suits, located in Truro, Nova Scotia. I mentioned that I had posted a number of photos with stories over the years of the inhabitants of Truro, citizens of Canada. Many of you here in the United States told me this company makes your favorites due to their high quality and really warm, long winter underwear. 

So, here are some folks I've featured over the years, wearing Stanfield's Union Suits. If you are a Stanfield's fan, send me your photo today. I'll add you to this posting!



This photo is one I received from Connecticut Mike in March of 2019. 
He hangs his bright red Stanfield's union suits out on the line...

And, here's Ohio's Buckeye Mike as Dr. Seuss' Uncle Ubb
displaying his grey Standfield's long underwear....

From Stanfield's...

Friday, February 28, 2025

Computer Correspondence 

A typical morning for me is to drag myself out of bed, make that first cup of coffee to get my eyes open, and then fire up my computer, still in my union suit. With a smile on my face, I begin working on the Union Suit Fan and Union Suit Fans in the Limelight  blogs, as well as answering emails and looking over the many comments you add to these postings which I truly look forward to.  

Apparently, other union suit fans enjoy the start of their day by doing the same:





Keep your photos, comments and emails coming to me. I can't do it without you!! 

....Chris at

Snow White, premiering on March 21st at Theaters! 

Watch for scenes in Union Suit Fans in the Limelight, my companion blog later in March!