Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Vive la France!

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans! 

Next, a well timed name drawn out of my hat resulted in identifying French Union Suit Fan, Jérôme aka Kore, a man of many combinaison colors and designs. What a world renowned Union Suit Collection he has, singled and layered! Yep, these long underwear photos are all him. Really!

So, our now self-described "International Brotherhood" is pleased to welcome him into our aptly named fraternity. Welcome mon ami en sous-vêtements longs:

Monday, May 6, 2024

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

The second name, drawn straight out of the hat, is Charlie. You first met this energetic kid back on June 6, 2018. He's a boy who loves winter sports especially when he can head outside in near zero degree weather, participating in "Underwearing!"  

Back in 2018, I wrote: After a full day of snowboarding in the great Rocky Mountains, Charlie lounged around the ski lodge one evening in his Union Suit, rather bored. So, after a hearty supper, this teenager decided to go "Underwearing." 

He was already wearing his long underwear so pulled on his hat and laced up his boots, added gloves and goggles and was ready! Brr, it was cold but off he went, back to the snow.

Charlie may end up being the youngest inductee into our International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!  Congrats, kid:

Sunday, May 5, 2024

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

May is Union Suit Fans' recognition month. Today, the first name drawn out of the hat is JT, a rancher from Owyhee, Nevada. JT emailed me, including a photo of him in his long red underwear, back on April 29, 2019. 

Here's the first member of the newly created International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

In April of 2019, JT mentioned he has worn union suits since high school. “Being raised and working full time on our ranch in northern Nevada, I looked up to the other cowboys. I noticed they all wore red union suits as I could always see them under their collars and when their sleeves were rolled up, exposing the comfortable red layer. It was then I realized, I needed a pair.” JT purchased his first union suit from a local ranch store and experienced the “warmth, comfort and practicality for himself!”

Of course, he admits, he couldn’t have just one and soon had a pair “for every day of the week.” He discovered they were great, not only for cowboying but for skiing, hunting, feeding cows, and later working in the shop as a mechanic.”

JT tells me that he too was the brunt of many jokes but that he wasn’t the one freezing on those cold Nevada high-country winter days. “It was all in good fun and soon my buddies were asking where I got my union suit! Any good, hard working man should wear a union suit. Now many of my buds, well, it’s all they wear and red is the most popular color. It’s more common than one would think among guys in my thirty-something age group even though they are an old fashioned style. I have my own style and a union suit is part of that!   ...JT"

Not long after his posting, JT emailed me another photo of a couple of his ranch hands in their red union suits, enjoying cold beers after putting in a hard days work!  I haven't heard from JT in awhile so wonder if he's still ranching; I do hope he still checks out Union Suit Fan occasionally.

Again, I'd like to thank Illinois' Retro Jeff for his suggestion of this timely recognition for our union suit fraternity!  Watch for another "inductee."

Keep 'en buttoned! - Our Brotherhood Motto.... Chris

Saturday, May 4, 2024

 Good Morning, Union Suit Fans!

And, for me, what a special morning it is! On this very day, eight years ago, I  began this blog, mostly for my own entertainment. But it wasn't long before I realized it was also pretty entertaining for many of you. The response has been greater than I had hoped. I've previously stated herein that I wasn't sure just how many of you still purchased and enjoyed wearing my favorite underwear, union suits. I knew our dads, grandpas, uncles, and older brothers did, and even the 1960's Mercury Seven Astronauts, a little grimy after their survival stint out in the desert, left in just long underwear and parachutes! 

But what about the more contemporary long underwear participants of today? Well I soon found out. 

Thanks for your overwhelming interest and participation, those of you in the United States as well as across the globe. I can't say it often enough, any success this blog has had is because of you...sending in your photos, stories, articles, and memories. Union suit wearers are the best!

So, in your honor, I'm beginning today and will post throughout the month of May, recognition of Union Suit Fans, an idea conceived and recommended to me by one of my newer union suit buddies, Illinois' Retro Jeff, a fun and fantastic contributor to Union Suit Fan

Jeff emails: "Chris, Do people out West put out "Proud Union Member" yard signs like they do here in the Midwest? Here's my version for our Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans....Retro"

Over the next few days, Retro Jeff created and sent me several versions of Proud Union (Suit) Member "signs."  

For the next month, every day or so, I will be presenting and thanking those of you have emailed me pictures of yourselves, wearing one-piece long underwear along with one of Retro's Union Member sign creations to celebrate your on-going support of this blog. Watch for recipients of the International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

I'll start today with those boys I featured years ago in the very first posting of Union Suit Fan. After today, I will literally draw names out of a hat to feature those of you who have participated with my heartfelt THANKS!

From May 4, 2016, two postings that day, hallmarking anonymous union suit wearers:



He's wearing Long Underwear
and Socks from J.J. Crew


Why are these Boys outside 

in Just Their Long Red Underwear?

  1. Tom emails: As the father of three teenage boys and a 10 year old son, I have given up trying to figure these kids out. Boys do silly, crazy, and sometimes dangerous things. So, why are these boys outside in just their union suits? Who knows?

  2. winterskins69 replied to this photo as to why these boys are outside in their underwear:
    Waiting to use the outhouse, of course: a two holer no doubt.

  3. Chris: I suppose that could have been an outhouse those boys were entering while weariing their union suits, but it could be they were getting snowboard or ski equipment out of there. My family keeps our skiing and sledding gear back in our shed. And, I wouldn't put it past my son whose about these boys' age to go outside in just his red union suit underwear for no good reason! Rhode Island Randall

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Defying Description!

Back on December 6, 2018, I posted this pretty unusual (and indescribable, at least for me) photograph. I invited you to add your own caption.  

It wasn't long until we came up with "Vertical Twister" with it's own special three rules that must be followed: 

1) You are not allowed to bend over,

2) You can not wear socks and,

3) You must play in your Union Suit.

It's not as challenging as the original version of the game Twister but playing while wearing only your long underwear with others is more fun!

Another Twister fan:

And if playing on your own, how about yoga?  Here's some yogies.....

This college student found a comfortable place on campus on a spring day, stripped down to his union suit, and enjoyed yoga in the sunlight between classes:  

And this young high school boy was so excited to see the first snowfall, he jumped out of bed in his long underwear, ran outside, and stood on his head:

Send in your best Yoga pose in your union suit with your caption and I'll add it to this posting with these yoga boys.

Partially Blocked Highway Fun:

Received this picture just this morning from my buddy, Buckeye; a bit of a sourpuss but, darn it, his back is hurting.  But what a sport!