"Hi Chris, I snapped this picture of my boyfriend, Jeff while he was answering the call one morning. Hopefully, it is not inappropriate for your blog. We were camping north of Flagstaff, Arizona near Humphreys Peak.
Jeff has been wearing onesies since he was a little boy. Like you, he likes the red ones. If you post this, Jeff will just die of embarrassment! Hee hee!
We both love your blog and have shared it with other friends who think it is a riot! ....Torrie"
Torrie: Great hearing from you. I have traveled to the mountains north of Flagstaff a couple of times camping. And, must admit hearing the call myself. I don't consider this photo inappropriate and I bet neither do the followers of this post. Any guy who has camped in the Great Outdoors has found himself needing to go after waking up in the morning.
Now, unless Jeff has footies in those long johns of his, I would not consider him wearing a "onesie" but rather just a good ole union suit. Toddlers wear onesies, real men wear Union Suits! (Just kidding, Torrie, you can call Jeff's long underwear anything you like!)

At any rate I really appreciate you emailing this in. I am just thankful Jeff has that rear hatch buttoned! And, hope he doesn't die after seeing himself in this posting!
Thanks, Torrie, for your note and photo. And thanks to both of you for being Union Suit Fan fans....Chris
Added May 22, 2018: Well, it didn't take long for Jeff to respond to Torrie's post.
Hi Chris, Torrie just showed me that I'm on your blog. Pretty embarrassing to be taking a leak and in my long johns yet. At least you can't see my face or other front stuff. Your seeing my best side. I won't die though as I really like your blog and kinda cool that I am on it. I heard her taking this pic the other morning but didn't know until today that she sent to you. It's on her facebook too. Boy, am I catching hell from our friends.
You are correct, I wear union suits not onesies - no footies, I'm wearing socks. I'm goin to try to get a pic of Torrie wearing her thermals with the snowflakes to send. Thanks for your blog, its fun. ...Jeff
Hey Jeff, you're a good sport. I know you didn't know beforehand but it's great having you in a posting. You and Torrie take care and continue to keep your great senses of humor. Send more union suit photos any time....Chris
Added May 26, 2018:
Jacob of Tulsa, Oklahoma emailed:
"Chris, the photo of Jeff answering the call in his long johns served up a recollection I had of your posting with the kid standing on the railroad tracks in his union suit and with a crown on his head. The way he is looking down and holding his left arm appears he may be answering the call of nature as well. Am I correct?"
Hmmm. Not sure, Jacob. Hadn't thought of that. Let's take another look:
Ha! You could be right. He is concentrating on the ground in front of him. When you gotta go, you gotta go...Chris
Check out my posting of September 11, 2017, "Dave Enjoying the Great Outdoors" which features other fellas out in the wilderness in their Long Underwear.
Jason of LA says: "Looks like both boys have answered nature's call."
ReplyDeleteJason: Jeff for sure and looks like the "The Crown Prince of the Tracks" as well.... Chris
ReplyDeleteClay of Saranac, NY emails: "I agree with Jason, Chris. Both guys answering."