Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Just for Laughs... 


  1. Paul of Castle Rock, CO emails me that his grin is as big as Sgt Snorkel's when he switches over from his summer underwear to union suits each fall... Chris

    1. I'm pretty happy too, Paul, when October rolls around here in northern Idaho so I can pull on my Union Suits. You could say we enjoy quite the attitude adjustment! Am I right? ...Chris

  2. Billy from Knoxville, TN sent me this note: "Chris, I have been reading Beetle Bailey for years and the GI's are always hanging out in their boxers and t-shirts. Was thrilled to see ole sarge in a Union Suit like me."

    1. Yeah, Billy. Sarge has the good sense to pull on those long one-piece wonders in cold weather like you and me. Did you catch the latest posting in my other blog, "Union Suit Fans in the Limelight?" It featured Hawkeye, Frank, Henry and others from M*A*S*H chasing around in Union Suits. Take a look at "The Longjohn Flap" if you missed it... Chris
