Friday, February 26, 2021

Union Suit Fans: Did that Arctic Blast of last week catch you with your pants down? Or, were you able to keep warm and safe with no damage to your home or person? I heard from a number of you during the past freezing episode. Some of you emailed me photos as to how you're coping with our winter weather. 

I heard from my pal, Mike, who resides in Connecticut and is pleased it finally became union suit weather:

Howdy Chris,
Happy Union Suit season, hope all is well.  Almost seemed like we wouldn't get a union suit season here in CT.  It was an exceptionally hot summer and it stayed warm right through Thanksgiving.  Luckily that all changed in December and now in January and February we've had plenty of snow and cold. Yay!  The union suits in the attached pic were frozen stiff at the time. My 80 year old neighbor loved seeing them and seeing me fold them in half to bring them inside. Stay healthy and unioned, Mike

"Frozen Union Suits in February"

My good friend, San Antonio John, refers to the deep in the Heart of Texas deep freeze as "Snow-Vid." Snow in San Antone?! Unheard of, but here are some pictures he took of his backyard and pool for proof. Yikes!

I heard from Ron back in Virginia. No, he's not retired. He send his regards as he's hunkered down in his union suit, still managing to work from home while staying warm!

Hi, Chris, Hope you are well. Here in Virginia I've been wearing my union suits continuously for that last couple of months. I'm hoping your Texas Union Suit fans are all okay.  At least they have the right underwear for this unusual Texas weather. I'm not retired yet. Still working remotely.  This is what working from home looks like from my house these last couple of  weeks. Take care, keep warm, Ron

And here's Fern from Quebec, Canada, enjoying the cold "Great White North" in his grey union suit. Stanfields, no doubt!

And this from Ohio's Buckeye Mike:

Good morning Chris. What a pleasant surprise to see an email from you. Today we have 37 degrees and rain so our snow covering is starting to go away. Up until today it has been consistently cold and the snow we have had is still with us. I take that back, we have had rain a couple of times. 

Right now we probably have about 4 inches of snow but it has been rained on and refrozen a time or ten. Our winters are usually interspersed with little warm ups that melt the snow covering but today is the first one we have had since at least Thanksgiving... today I am at my desk (at work) in my red J. Crew union suit! Until the next time....Buckeye Mike

Joe of New York City checked in with:

Chris: We are expecting a third (or is it fourth? I lost track) storm again tomorrow. Thank God for thermals. My ankles haven’t felt air in weeks. Of course the kids wear those half socks in 12 inches of snow and slush.

And boy is it cold in Cajun Country. This from Chase in Monroe, Louisiana: 

Hey, Union Suit Buddy: Cold and miserable here. I just stay in bed hiding under my pillow waiting for warmer weather!!!!

Well, that's a glance around North America. How about you? Let me know how you're coping this winter and I'll add your photo to these. I'm staying safe, masked and buttoned-up!  Until next time, all the best, Chris

Added February 28th: This young man asked me not to use his name, but wanted me to know he's keeping warm this winter wearing the red union suit he got for Christmas from his mom. Good for him... 


  1. Love the photos of San Antonio snow. I remember going to San Antonio once for four days, and all four days topped 100 degrees! There was a T-Shirt in the Gift Shop of my hotel that said:

    The Four Seasons of San Antonio:
    Almost Summer
    Still Summer

    Looks like San Antonio finally got it's Christmas snow!

    1. What a great t-shirt. That sure seems to sum up the climate down south, doesn't it! Always good to hear from you, Chris

  2. Great post Chris. It's nice to see how our fellow fans in various parts of the country/world are experiencing and dealing with this winter weather. Our temps in NE Ohio are warming but it doesn't feel as warm as the thermometer indicates so I continue to button up daily. I must say Chris in that navy Duofold, dark mask and dark hat, you look like you're about to slip out under the cover of darkness on some type of stealth mission.

    1. Usually, the only stealth mission I undertake, is to sneak down to the bottom of my driveway just as dawn is breaking, to retrieve the morning paper in my long underwear. Surely, the neighbors can't see me when wearing that dark navy blue union suit. Thanks for participating in that red union suit of yours. Stay warm... Chris

  3. Chris, My wife and I gave my two teenagers red union suits this past Christmas too and they loved them. Perfect long underwear for wearing this brutal winter here in Cody, Wyoming.
