My Octogenarian Friend, a Long Time Long Underwear Wearer
Coach Les, who makes his home in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S., may tribute his longevity to the comfort and warmth he enjoys by wearing long underwear, both union suits and two piece thermals. This octogenarian and I, both long underwear fans, have been emailing for several years now. I've wanted to feature his story in pictures for some time, so was very pleased when he acquiesced. You see, he doesn't just talk about wearing long underwear, he walks the talk by wearing union suits and long thermal two piece underwear year round, 24/7.
And, he doesn't let grass grow under his feet!
That's right, Coach Les stays busy traveling, appearing on local television, conducting travel shows on stage, overseeing monthly dance events, and playing the piano!
Recently, he traveled to Vermont to purchase a very special chair, referred to as the "Vermont Folk Rocker." He tells me it is "ultra comfortable with flexible panels strung through the frame with 5/16 nylon rope. It feels like an upholstered seat rather than solid wood." His chair is made of red oak. Beautiful!
On particularly cold days in the northeast, Coach Les will layer up in his underwear. The coach sports not one but two union suits as seen in the photos below:

He is shown below sporting a gray union suit although his preference is typically white underwear:
And here he is in his two piece thermal underwear:
Thanks, Les. Here's to many more years... Chris
The End