Thursday, October 31, 2024

It's Finally Halloween 2024!

You know what that means! It's time for you to join in the festivities by pulling on your favorite long underwear (for fans that would be union suits, what else), as you create your own Halloween Costume for Trick or Treating!

At Union Suit Fan, it's time for another Custom Costume Carnival...What will you be wearing tonight?


Thanks to the fans who participated in their Long-handled Halloween Underwear this year. If you've created a union suit costume, snap a photo of you in them. Then email the result to me and I'll add you to this year's group pictures:


  1. Some good ones guys !! Enjoyed them………Buckeye Mike

  2. Man, you're a bunch of scary Halloweeners! If I ran into any one of you on a late, dark, moonless night, I'm trying to decide what I'd be more afraid of, those spine chilling masks or you running after me in your long underwear! Great job! Really enjoy your blogs, Chris, especially at the various holiday times! Keep it up... Union Suit Fan, Tyler of Tulsa

    1. I agree with Tyler. You do a great job Chris and I really like the holiday Union Suit postings you do.
      Ernie of Valentine, NE

  3. Great pictures guys!.

  4. Looks like everyone had fun for sure.
    Charles in South Dakota..
