Sunday, December 29, 2024

Wha'd You Get For Christmas?

Union Suits were left under their trees this year! 

Thanks Santa Claus for the Long Underwear!

Ahhh, I got all that Union Suit Underwear delivered
to thousands and thousands of folks around the world.
Now, I can finally get some sleep!

Just For Laughs😊:


  1. I'd be tickled if someone left a union suit under my tree! There's not a better gift for the season. ----- Retro Jeff in Illinois

  2. I got not one but two union suits under my tree this year: a bright red one and a gray one Thanks to my Santa!
    ….Ian, nova Scotia Canada

    1. Were those Standields by chance, Ian? I wish your Santa was my Santa! LOL You should send Chris a photo to post. ----- Retro Jeff in Illinois

    2. Should have been "Stanfields" ----- Retro
