Friday, November 3, 2023

Buckeye's Missed Opportunity for a Halloween Costume Submission!

As you may remember from past postings, Buckeye is always sure to send me his annual Halloween Costume creation. However, the holiday slipped up on him this year. You could say he got caught with his pants down. Regarding his failure to send me his latest holiday garb, he emails:  

"Happy Halloween, my friend. 

My apologies for the dismal failure this time. However I did resurrect my zombie outfit and wore it to work today for a whole bunch of people who hadn’t seen it before. It’s not every day a guy gets to work all day in a (mostly) exposed union suit. One of the technicians told me "that’s how you always look." Wondering if maybe he has X-Ray vision. Hmmmmm ... Buckeye Mike"

We'll anxiously await Buckeye's next years' Halloween outfit. It will surely be a winner.  

His previous Halloween Costume:


  1. In or out of costume, that red union suit wearing fan is a sight to be hold! Billy, Knoxville

  2. Thanks Billy. Happy to oblige!……Buckeye Mike
