Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer is Officially Here This Afternoon!  

The snow has finally melted in northern Idaho at my home on a lake. Trees have fully leafed out and the flowers are in bloom. It has been a mostly cold and dreary spring where I live, but good to see more bright, sunny days lately! 

You know I will keep my Union Suit within reach regardless of what the calendar indicates. Still-buttoned, Chris


  1. Summer greetings to you Chris. Our temperatures have been in the 90’s all week so far and are not predicted to drop into the 80’s for a daily high until next Monday. Needless to say I won’t be buttoned up in the near future…….Buckeye Mike

  2. Summer is officially here but temperatures are only in 70’s for highs so far. Still buttoned up in my union suits here. Will keep them on for awhile yet. Maybe all summer being I’ll be at my lake place most of summer months.
    Myron from ND

  3. Hey Chris: I'm a big union suit fan myself but not in the summer time. Too hot in Cincinnati now, but I was wearing 'em until the end of April. I'll start again first part of October probably....Eddie Mandorf.

    1. Eddie, I am in Canton , Oh. I wear my union suits longer than you do according to what you say. . I even wore one all day at work one day the last week of May or the first week of June , I don’t remember which. But this past week has been way too warm for unions……..Buckeye Mike.

  4. Ha Chris it is June 23 I was wearing my union all buttoned up last week. This week to warm. When temp goes back into low sixties I will be wearing once again. Have a great summer everyone.

    1. Hey Anonymous: thanks for reporting in and wishing all of us a great summer. Remember though, to Identify yourself with at least a first name and hometown or region of the country so we know who is contacting us. Stay in touch... Chris

  5. Hey, Chris. It' going to be 100 degrees this week in my area. I can't wear a union suit for awhile! Ha I'm ordering new ones for this fall and winter, though. Two red and two white.

    -- Ken in Alabama

    1. What brand are the white ones Ken?…….Buckeye Mike

  6. Reading the comments I find some of you seem like you are sorry Summer has arrived because of the warmer or hot temperatures and you cannot wear your union suits. Who says you can't wear them? It is just underwear only longer than the normal type. I lived in the Phoenix, AZ area for 11 years and wore my long underwear many, many times in the summer. Yes at first it feels a bit too warm, but I got used to it. There are a lot of roofers and construction workers that always wear long sleeves, long heavy jeans, hats and neck covers when working out there. Heck, if they can wear all that in the heat on top of a HOT roof, you can wear your union suit too. Now that I am living back in Wisconsin, I plan on wearing union suits or long underwear all the time, in all seasons. They just feel so comfortable to me and keeps the suns rays off my skin, and to me, that is worth the warmer feeling. I would be interested in knowing others that wear union suits or long underwear most of the year, if not, all year long. I only know of a couple guys that wear long underwear all year long and would like to meet more.
