Saturday, August 15, 2020

Doyle's Wager

Samuel of Boston, Mass sent the following email to me with an attachment this past week. He and I thought it a hoot and worthwhile to pass along: 

"Chris, while perusing the internet a few years ago, I ran across and saved an article that appeared to be a chapter from an on-line book. It was about the loss of a football wager that a man named Dave Doyle had experienced and written about. Since I have really enjoyed the postings submitted by Tom and his wagers with RC, I thought you might take a look. Wager payoffs by running around in union suits must be great fun although I'm afraid I'm not brave enough to do so myself. Attached is the article. Hope you enjoy it, Samuel."

Thanks, Samuel. I am pleased you sent me this article. Some of my best postings are from guys like you who take the time to email me with items they have run across, i.e., photos, articles and the like. I, too, really enjoy Tom and RC's wager antics. I encourage you to make a bet or two and, win or lose, enjoy the ride. You may remember even straight-laced Ritchie Cunningham paid off a bet by running around in his union suit at the local Milwaukee teen, drive-in hang out, another posting of mine from the TV show "Happy Days."  

If Dave Doyle of is viewing Samuel's posting, I hope you will check in with me and let us Union Suit Fans know of any more of your exploits. You wrote a fun and entertaining story. In the meantime, I hope you won't mind if we pass along, "Me and My Union Suit."

(You May Need to Enlarge to Read this Article) 

As previously posted, here's RC at the office dressed in his underwear and socks and hard at work after losing his first wager to his pal, Tom...

RC, Union Suit Fan

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Look for the Union Label...
Another one piece underwear label aka "Knit Goods" (added October 2, 2020):

Union Suit Labels just keep rolling in...

These from Canton Ohio's Buckeye Mike's underwear collection. You've gotten to know him from his several "Guest Contributor" Union Suit Fan (USF) postings . Buckeye emails: 

"Good evening, Chris. Here are a few labels to add. I didn't see any of these in your posts. Of course, I've been known to miss things before.

The red Carhartt is an old one. In fact, it's one my dog took a bite out of. It has been featured prominently in USF in my intro story and also the cowboy pics you have posted.

The grey Jockey union suit was also in my intro posting and the coffee cup shot. And, of course, the grey Standfield's is none other than Buckeye Ubb's underwear attire of choice! 
Until the next time... Buckeye Mike"

And below, San Antonio John, a good buddy and Union Suit Fan, emails more labels from his collection of long, one-piece underwear as well. He's been a guest contributor to this blog too: 

"Chris: I’m not sure if these photos would be part of your labels postings but they are ones I use for hunting season, except for the last two which are used for indoors at home and at the office. Yes, thanks to you, I do wear the red ones under a white shirt. LOL! Be safe, John"

Medium Weight Combinations
I had never heard of John's "WindsorWear" union suits but sure enough, they were manufactured in Nova Scotia, Canada, not surprisingly. There, "Sous-vêtements" means "Underwear," used by French Canadians. From the above labels and the two you sent me previously and posted earlier, I'm betting you own more different manufacturers of union suits than anyone! Thanks, John ...Chris

Heavy Weight Combinations
Years ago, ads for Munsingwear pitched to their purchasers, "Don't say Underwear, Say Munsingwear." So, I'm wondering if in Canada WindsorWear advertisements advised, "Don't say Sous-vêtements, Say WindsorWear." 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Happy National Underwear Day - August 5th ! 

Hope you wore your favorite underwear, Union Suits, no doubt! I know, too hot in most parts of the U.S.  Well, so what? Happy you went for it!

For more National Underwear Day comments, go to my posting of June 6, 2018 and check out "Charlie, Union Suit Fan, Goes Underwearing!"

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

More Labels Keep on Comin'

For now, that's all the Labels I have for you. If you have a union suit not represented in these three postings, snap a photo of the label and email to me. I will add yours to these. In the mean time, smile and hang loose. You're a Union Suit wearer. Colder weather will be here before we know it.