Another Ghost Story?!
Well, another rhyme anyway. In April 2023, I posted several stories of apparitions* through rhyme. They were of various ghosts, including the one haunting Retro Jeff's home in Illinois (see those referenced below). Here's another:
Ghost arising from his mausoleum
You'll shake and shudder if you see him
Stripped when he died, but not quite bare
The deceased was buried in his underwear!
Of course I returned for my clothes.
You didn't expect me to go through eternity
wearing only my union suit, did you?
Previous Ghost Storiesfound in Union Suit Fan: |
Ghost in the Attic Posted April 5, 2023 |
Ghost in the House Posted April 15, 2023 |
The Ghost of Colonel Sanders Posted April 28, 2023 |
Once, I figured ghosts wore only white union suits when they beleaguered this world.
As you can plainly see, ghosts wearing red union suits also haunt.
Apparently, about 50% of them.
I suppose it depends on what underwear you're wearing
when you "kick the bucket!"
In folkore, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a dead person or non-human animal
that is believe to have the ability to appear to the living. Hence, an "apparition."
If you have a ghost, spirit, or apparition story with him (it) in his union suit
or a photo of such, email it over to me for publication in this blog... Chris