International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!
As if you need more proof that this is an international brotherhood blog, may I re-introduce my French Canadian friend, Fern of Quebec. Fern who spoke a bit of English but prefered to communicate with me by email in French.I'm guessing he knew more English than I do of his first language as I only took one semester of French in college. You can imagine how much I remember. My course name was "Claude." And I was a bit of a clod when it came to studying and practicing for this class. It was much more fun chasing girls (filles) and drinking beer (bière)!
Fern first contacted me fiveyears ago. Thanks to the marvel of Google Translator, I was able to translate his French to English. And from then on for several years, we emailed back and forth with me translating my English into French before forwarding my emails, and he, doing the same in reverse for me. We referred to our union suits as "combinations" or, in his language, "combinaisons." As a true Canadian he only purchased and wore Stanfield Combinaisons and told me that since he was retired, he enjoyed lounging around in his union suit all day, some days. Who wouldn't, I asked him.

He always had an interesting story or anecdote to include with his union suit photos. I don't believe he would mind my sharing his very first email to me. This from May 23, 2019:
Subject: Dad is right
Hi Chris,
As I had to replace several worn out combinations after years of loyal service, doing some
research on the internet, I came across your blot. I discovered that I was not the only one
who still wears combinations in 2019. Reading your blog, it reminded me of how I started
wearing them 40 years ago.
In 1978, I met the one who would become my wife and her family (her parents and her two
brothers). In the fall, I discovered that the men in this family all wore union suits from
November to April (her father wore them 365 days a year). The only other person I knew who
was wearing them then was one of my uncles who had a farm.
On my first Christmas with my future wife, I went to spend a few days at her home. On
Christmas morning, during the exchange of gifts, her father surprised me by offering me two
combination suits, and telling me that he now considered me as a man of his family. Not
wanting to displease him, I went to my room and put on the underwear for the first time. It was not
so unpleasant; it was a bit like a second skin. Later in the day, we went to clear our cars to go to
the arena to skate. In the evening when I undressed, I realized that all day long, I had stayed
warm from head to toe in that underwear.
After a few days wearing my combinations, I became addicted. They were practical, warm but
above all very comfortable. I then wondered why my father had never bought them for me.
It was now official, from that day, I would be a combination wearer (her dad was right).
Back at work, in the locker room of the company, I had the mockery of colleagues who asked
me if my "grandfather underwear" was a joke, but I told them that before judging, it was
necessary to try them. Some have tried and have become converts too. I have stayed true to
my combinations. After all these years, the only difference is that I start wearing them earlier
in the fall and take them off later in the spring. I would have liked to have sons to be able to
have them know about this incredible long underwear, but as I had only two girls, I did for my
sons-in-law what my father-in-law did for me. In 2019, fashion forces, the combinations became
objects of gags and almost impossible to find in stores. A chance we now have the internet. I
found my essential combinations and even a slogan that I love: REAL MEN WEAR
COMBINATIONS. I love my combinations so much that sometimes I tell myself that it should
be mandatory for all men to wear. I will continue to follow your blog as it is very interesting and
find it fun. Let's you and I stay in touch and covered in our union suits.
Hi from FB Shawinigan, Quebec, Canada
Later, Fern emailed that he had given his two sons in-law union suits. One joined in a family photo in them but afterard only wore them occasionally, preferring the two piece long underwear. His other son in-law, a postman, wore them all the time and purchased more. His grandson always borrowed his dad's combinations until he was given several pairs for himself.
Unlike most other Canadians I've heard from, Fern was not reluctant to forward me photos of himself in his union suits. And, was fine with me posting them on several occasions. He enjoyed wearing red, grey and white union suits up in the cold north country! What enjoyment I received from him, another, among many, North American union suit fan.
Unfortunately, I have not heard from him in two years so worry that he may no longer be around. If for some reason, he happens to see this posting, I sincerely hope he contacts me as I would really enjoy hearing from him again. What a wonderful man he was.
Welcome Fern, I hope not posthumously, to our "International Brotherhood," joining those of us who sport one-piece, button-down underwear! Tous mes vœux!

It is my hope that he inspires other Canadians
to come forth with your stories and photos for this,
our fraternity of union suit underwear wearers.