Sunday, May 5, 2024

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

May is Union Suit Fans' recognition month. Today, the first name drawn out of the hat is JT, a rancher from Owyhee, Nevada. JT emailed me, including a photo of him in his long red underwear, back on April 29, 2019. 

Here's the first member of the newly created International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

In April of 2019, JT mentioned he has worn union suits since high school. “Being raised and working full time on our ranch in northern Nevada, I looked up to the other cowboys. I noticed they all wore red union suits as I could always see them under their collars and when their sleeves were rolled up, exposing the comfortable red layer. It was then I realized, I needed a pair.” JT purchased his first union suit from a local ranch store and experienced the “warmth, comfort and practicality for himself!”

Of course, he admits, he couldn’t have just one and soon had a pair “for every day of the week.” He discovered they were great, not only for cowboying but for skiing, hunting, feeding cows, and later working in the shop as a mechanic.”

JT tells me that he too was the brunt of many jokes but that he wasn’t the one freezing on those cold Nevada high-country winter days. “It was all in good fun and soon my buddies were asking where I got my union suit! Any good, hard working man should wear a union suit. Now many of my buds, well, it’s all they wear and red is the most popular color. It’s more common than one would think among guys in my thirty-something age group even though they are an old fashioned style. I have my own style and a union suit is part of that!   ...JT"

Not long after his posting, JT emailed me another photo of a couple of his ranch hands in their red union suits, enjoying cold beers after putting in a hard days work!  I haven't heard from JT in awhile so wonder if he's still ranching; I do hope he still checks out Union Suit Fan occasionally.

Again, I'd like to thank Illinois' Retro Jeff for his suggestion of this timely recognition for our union suit fraternity!  Watch for another "inductee."

Keep 'en buttoned! - Our Brotherhood Motto.... Chris


  1. Great post Chris. I love the “proud union member “ poster. Also thank you to Retro Jeff for suggesting this creative series……..Buckeye Mike

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying the posters Buckeye Mike. It just seemed that our brotherhood of union suit fans, brought together by Chris, needed a graphic means by which to officially champion our shared appreciation for our favorite underwear. A poster to represent our union of union suit fans! Of the posters, I can only take credit for the lettering. The images were found on line, and in one case, borrowed from a vintage union suit package. I see that Chris, as usual, is putting my contributions to good use in creating this entertaining series of posts to commemorate the 8th anniversary of Union Suit Fan. Many happy returns Chris! ----- Retro Jeff of Illinois

  2. Chris: I remember your posting of JT. Cool he is a recipient of your Union Suit brotherhood. Keep ‘em coming… Paul (Castlerock Colorado)

  3. Chris: your Cowboy Union Suit postings are the best! What's a good cowboy without his union suit! Reds my color too....Josh (St. Joe, Missouri)
