Wednesday, May 8, 2024

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans! 

Talk about a true Blast from the Past...remembering Sam from Upper Lower Michigan. Before RC, Buckeye Mike, Retro Jeff, Charlie and others who claimed fame by running around outside in their Union Suits, "underwearing" as Charlie liked to say, Sam was climbing up and onto his John Deere tractor in his long union suit underwear! 

Sam introduced Union Suit Fan to Grant Wood's 1923 Pencil and Wash on Paper from "Savage Iowa" kept at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C. Posted April 20, 2018:

When he wasn't working outside, Sam relaxed in his easy chair with a good book... in his union suit, naturally:

And speaking of good books, Sam gave us "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Union Suits, But Were(n't) Afraid to Ask. Presented in a post on February 6, 2020. The book "covered union suit facts for men and boys, extensively."

This 1920's book was title "Tips and Pointers for Underwear Dealers and their Salesmen." It was hoped it would help union suit sellers sell more, what else, union suits. It surely did. 

And one more thing!  Sam was adamant about me (and you) not calling Union Suits, "Long Johns!"  Long johns are long underwear in two pieces (drawers on the bottom and undershirts on top), not one-piece unions.

Sam: Thanks for your many contributions to Union Suit Fan!  A Hearty Welcome to one Worthy Wearer to our Union Member fraternity!  And as you said to me once: "Stay Cool While Staying Warm."   Keep 'em Buttoned my cool friend...Chris 


  1. A belated thank you to Sam for providing the Brotherhood with that valuable, period book "Tips & Pointers". It is a wealth of information on manufacturing and properly selecting and fitting union suits. I spent a good deal of time with it and was most impressed by the numerous size variations that used to be available in order to insure a perfect fit. I wish we could get this information into the hands of a modern union suit manufacturer that would act upon it's recommendations. Again, thank you Sam! ----- Retro Jeff of Illinois

  2. Chris, I well remember several postings of Sam of Upper Lower Michigan and the fact that many of us wondered at the time just how cold that tractor seat must have been against his union suit flap!! LOL....Max, Topeka, KS

  3. Sam’s postings on Grant Wood’s drawings, the union suit book of facts and others were really interesting and fun. What a great guy! I wish he would do more…. Rhode Island Randall
