Wednesday, May 15, 2024

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans

The wearing of Union Suits in San Antone?! Hard to believe until I received word from one of the city's businessmen, San Antonio John.

You've heard the saying, "Everything's Big in Texas."  Well, this man's story was big. Living in the far northwest all my life, I really hadn't thought much about those in the deep south who wore long underwear, let alone union suits. Was I ever in for a surprise when I heard from San Antonio John. He had worn union suits since he was a boy growing up on a ranch near the Alamo City. To this day on those cool, sometimes cold days if the humidity is high, John still pulls on his one-piece underwear, the long ones, one leg at a time as they say in Texas!

Well, best let this big man tell his storied background from an email I received in March, 2018 and posted March 16th:   

In that email John reported to me that he has been wearing union suits since he was a little boy growing up in south Texas. Like several of us his dad had always bought him two-piece thermal long johns. John pulled these on to wear while hunting and running around the ranch with his dad.

He told me that while trudging along on hunting trips as a twelve year old, he would complain to his dad about how uncomfortable his underwear was. “The elastic waistband bothered me and the bottoms would eventually start creeping down making it uncomfortable for any extended period of time. Man was I surprised when dad came home one day with a supply of Sears union suits for me. I started laughing and told him there was 'no way I was wearing old man underwear!'
His only comment to me was, 'Oh you will wear them alright.'

Of course I knew what that really meant. I started wearing those union suits when hunting and working with him outside and discovered, wow, they were really comfortable. Since that time I have only worn the one-piece style.

I live in San Antonio, Texas, and if you know anything about Texas weather, we can get all four seasons in one day.  Temperature swings of 30 degrees or more are not unusual.”

John went on to say, “We are so use to our warm / hot weather here that anytime the temps drop below 70F it’s time to pull on our long handles. I think my initial resistance to union suits was the early age they were bought for me. They were always comical in the movies and on TV. I’m happy that my dad required me to wear them because I discovered how comfortable and practical they are.

I grew up with cowboys since we had a ranch in north San Antonio. So I think I wore the correct underwear. I liked the picture of you in your boots and hat. It reminds me of when I was that age. (See USF posting, “Me and My Union Suit,” dated December 15, 2016.) Unbelievable, I starting out resisting wearing union suits and was embarrassed if anyone knew I had one on."

So there you have it, not embarrased anymore.

This long time union suit wearer is now a member of our "International Brotherhood." Welcome, San Antonio John!

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