Thursday, May 9, 2024

International Brotherhood of Union Suit Fans!

Yikes, How the heck did he sneak in?!  

Oh well, just like any camper, one occasionally has to water the bushes. This is Jeff, Torrie's boyfriend. He was next pulled at random.

She and he were camping near Flagstone, Arizona a few years ago. She heard him get up early one morning, pull on his jeans and quietly leave her sleeping in their tent, or so he thought.

Little did Jeff know until, that is, he saw his back-side turned to the camera captured and posted in Union Suit Fan! Good one, Torrie. She couldnt' wait to share this with the world. And now her boyfriend is the next union suit underwear wearer to be added to the brotherhood!

"Answering Nature's Call" was posted May 21, 2018.

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