Saturday, November 30, 2024

Superstitious Sport Fans 

Just trying to figure out if some of us sports fans are Superstitious or just down right Crazy, or Both. Many atheletes, fans, and couch potatoes have specific things they do or wear prior to participating in or watching sports. A basketball player may wear the same shorts every game while he's on a hot streak. A baseball player may fidget with his gloves between each pitch. Some athletes and fans have special socks they wear for games. My brother has a special pair of team inspired boxer shorts he wears to pro football games. 

Take these two buddies for instance. They are not only Sports Fans they are Union Suit fans. What's crazy about that!! They may live miles apart but you won't find them watching their favorite team on TV wearing anything other than their long red underwear!  Those union suits help ensure that their team wins or at least plays their very best, hopefully without injury!! 

And with college and pro football gearing up this time of year, you can bet they will be in front of their television sets, comfortable in their union suits!

And this guy in his red union suit looks like his team just won an important game:

Just don't drink so much beer that you doze off and miss the end of the game!!

What do you wear superstitiously when it comes to sports? 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

What?!  Another Ghost Verse?

There once was a ghost who thought that his host

        Should stock only Napoleon Brandy.

By imbibing all night, he became awfully tight.

         Oh that spirit of mine such a dandy! 

In despair, he did cry, when his bottle ran dry,

         Dozed off on the stair, in his Long Underwear.

This latest Ghostly Poem was inspired and written by Illinois' Retro Jeff upon his realizing the spirit in a white union suit who haunts his home devloped a taste for brandy! Retro emails:

"Chris: My resident doppelganger has taken to spirits as captured by my infrared night time camera. As shown, he was caught in the act, emerging from my attic into the dining room for a night cap in his night cap and white long underwear.

After noticing the level in my brandy decanter was gradually decreasing during the night, I decided to set a trap. Soon, I captured my ghost pilfering from my crystal liquor vessel kept in the dining room of my home. He apparently was in the habit of returning triumphantly to the attic for a couple nips before returning the bottle to its rightful place in the dining room, all before I awakened in the morning.

This night, he didn't quite make it back to the dining room before falling fast asleep. 

Since the decanter had been emptied, I surmised he drank more than his usual and had crumpled to the bottom steps of my staircase in a dead heap. When I awoke the following morning, he had disappeared, but I now had evidence to the mystery!

But, what's the harm? I now make sure I keep enough brandy on hand for both of us to enjoy! ...Retro Jeff"

Sunday, November 10, 2024

 Don't get caught this winter without your Long Jawns!! 

"When it's cold as a kegerator outside, you need a smooth and delicious winter lager to warm up your insides. So button up your trapdoor, and get ready to hibernate, because it's gonna be a Long Jawn winter." 


Those winter warning words come from Yards Brewing Company of Philadelphia. Beer drinkers in the City of Brotherly Love know Yards has been brewing great beer for the past 30 years. They guarantee their brew is lovingly made for the "hardworking people of Philadelphia." 

Recently, I ran across Yards' amusing take on a tasty, satisfying winter lager, featuring a characture wearing a long red union suit. I found him while searching for the latest Burn 'Em Brewery ads like these shown below. These ads inquire whether you got your "Long Johns On." 

Other of their ads announce each year's Winter Warmer Bash! 


(Check out my previous Burn 'Em Brewing January 12, 2023 posting with more of their clever red union suit clad skeleton ads.)

If you enjoy beer as much as I do, and what union suit wearer doesn't, you'll really appreciate this hearty Yards Brewing Company's soul struggling through the cold in knee deep snow while carrying a bucket of Long Jawns Lager.

No doubt he's thankful he has on long red winter underwear to protect him the harsh Pennsylvania winter. I imagine he's determined to reach his buddy's lodge, seeking a respite from the inclement weather. 

When in Philadelphia, you'll want to stop by Yards Brewwing Company for a tour and drink. Oh yeah, be sure to wear your red long handle union suit like their beer ambassador featured on every bottle and carton does! 

Long Jawns comes in cans too, which cleverly show the back of a red union suit, butt deep in snow, 
with the rear escape hatch properly buttoned up!

RC knows how it is to be outside clearing snow while wearing his Long Johns, thinking of that refreshing ice cold Long Jawns beer!  No doubt he keeps his trap door buttoned for the ultimate protection from chapped cheeks!  Right RC?!