Saturday, November 16, 2024

What?!  Another Ghost Verse?

There once was a ghost who thought that his host

        Should stock only Napoleon Brandy.

By imbibing all night, he became awfully tight.

         Oh that spirit of mine such a dandy! 

In despair, he did cry, when his bottle ran dry,

         Dozed off on the stair, in his Long Underwear.

This latest Ghostly Poem was inspired and written by Illinois' Retro Jeff upon his realizing the spirit in a white union suit who haunts his home devloped a taste for brandy! Retro emails:

"Chris: My resident doppelganger has taken to spirits as captured by my infrared night time camera. As shown, he was caught in the act, emerging from my attic into the dining room for a night cap in his night cap and white long underwear.

After noticing the level in my brandy decanter was gradually decreasing during the night, I decided to set a trap. Soon, I captured my ghost pilfering from my crystal liquor vessel kept in the dining room of my home. He apparently was in the habit of returning triumphantly to the attic for a couple nips before returning the bottle to its rightful place in the dining room, all before I awakened in the morning.

This night, he didn't quite make it back to the dining room before falling fast asleep. 

Since the decanter had been emptied, I surmised he drank more than his usual and had crumpled to the bottom steps of my staircase in a dead heap. When I awoke the following morning, he had disappeared, but I now had evidence to the mystery!

But, what's the harm? I now make sure I keep enough brandy on hand for both of us to enjoy! ...Retro Jeff"


  1. Very enjoyable. For some reason reminds me of old Mister Scrooge on Christmas Eve. Or would it be Marely?
    Who was as dead as a door-nail, or, it may just be the flag of my disposition. But at any rate, the ghostly hue of the picture, the night cap, which I thought was a wonderful touch, the clock, the china, the overall ambience, is wonderful. And I thank you Retro Jeff for that. I too have been known to stumble around myself in my union suit
    late at night when the more sober people are abed, and the midnight clock chimes... Rich in Buffalo New York

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Rich. You're correct about Scrooge often being depicted in a night cap, usually as he has his evening gruel. Yummy! Mine is made from the sleeve of a worn out union suit. I have read that in the Nineteenth century this was a practice of the thrifty. Just tie a knot above the cuff to make the tassel. I suppose stocking caps had a similar origin. With the contents of my "live in museum" I have fun creating "period" scenes so I appreciate hearing that others enjoy them. ----- Retro Jeff in Illinois

  2. Retro and Chris: That's what I do when I imbibe too much drink, I pass out in my union suit. LOL
    .....Dale, Allentown PA
