Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Anticipating Christmas 

"Chris:  I've worn union suits since I was a little boy. All my life actually. I don't ever even remember wearing standard pj's. To this day, I've always slept in just my underwear. Growing up in rural Wyoming, underwear is what me and my dad and most boys and men wore and continue to wear to bed since forever. 

Anyway, I very recently ran across a video taken by my dad years ago using his now ancient movie camera. He caught me initially unable to sleep on Christmas Eve. Here I am wearing a union suit as pajamas, sitting up in bed, and anxiously listening for a visit from Santa Claus. I thought I'd share with you these special pictures (to me anyway) which I was able to save as separate photos from my dad's film.

...Merry Christmas, Ian Sanderson of Cody, Wyoming." 


"Hearing a noise outside and with heart pumping, I jumped out of bed, threw off my blankets, and ran to my bedroom window:


"And looking outside, I listened for sleigh bells and Santa's approach to my house! 

Yep, that's me as a boy in my long union suit underwear! 

"Seeing nothing, I returned to my covers, finally falling asleep,
 "nestled all snug in my bed while visions of sugar plums danced in my head."


"Good night and Merry Christmas!"

Ian sent his heart-warming memory, captured on camera, to me in an email this week. With the approach of Christmas, I thought it appropriately worthy to share with you that which for many of us, is a most meaningful holiday, celebrating the birth of our saviour, Jesus.  

Friends, I'm taking a couple of weeks away. In the meantime, email me your Christmas photos and I'll see you right back here at the end of December.

"God Bless Us All, Everyone! ...Chris Ayers


  1. Thanks for sharing Ian’s story with us Chris and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Enjoy your time away. Also thank you to you Ian for the story and pics. And also Merry Christmas to all my fellow “fans” ……..Buckeye Mike

  2. Chris: This post reminds me of when I was a little boy. I'd jump out of bed in my union suit and race out to the Christmas tree. My older sister and I madly tore into our presents with me spending those mornings in my long johns. One year when I was about ten, I got a bike for Christmas. Without waiting to get dressed, I took it outside, still in my union suit and rode up and down the street for about an hour until my mom realized I was outside in just my underwear! Stifling a laughter, she made her "naughty" boy get back into the house to get some clothes on.
    I wore union suits as long as I can remember. And, like Ian, underwear is what I wear to bed my whole life too! Thanks for the childhood memory! ....Peter, Boise, Idaho

  3. Chris, I agree with Ian. I live in Cheyenne and I too have worn my underwear to bed. All my life …never any pajamas.

  4. Ian: union suits were what I wore as a boy growing up on a farm in Iowa. In fact, I still wear them today a good part of the year as does my 13 year old grandson. Your story brought back such great Christmas eve memories of me burrowing down under my bed covers, warm in my long underwear (don't remember wearing socks to bed like I do now. Thanks for sharing your pictures and waiting for Santa Claus story! .... Barry of Iowa
