Tuesday, January 21, 2025

What's a Guy to do on these Blasted Cold Blast Days Blowing in across the country from the Arctic??!!  

Well, your Union Suit is a Great Start!


I guess you could just stay in bed all day in that union suit you got for Christmas with the covers pulled up over your head:

Or, why not hop out of bed, stretch and stay comfortably inside, safe and warm.

Buckeye Mike of Ohio in red Carhartts decided on 
doing a home project he'd put off for months!

Exercise could warm you up! Right Coach? 

How about making yourself some delicious hot stew
that'll warm you up, inside-out.
Of course, Retro's heavy winter union suit sure helps!

Or watch your favorite sports team give it their best on TV:

(On these really cold days, you may need to pull on a sweat suit
over your long red-flannel underwear!)

Keeping your rear escape hatched buttoned securely, 
try tickeling the ivories on that ole piano to heat up: 

Relaxing on the couch couldn't hurt.... 

Maybe, look for your the car keys you misplaced! 


If you're like Stanley Steamer, you might catch up on repair work around the house? 

A rousing game of ping pong in your union suit warms a guy up pretty fast!

Nah, hibernating in bed is the best idea!! 

                                           Keep 'em buttoned, I do! ....Chris


  1. Chris: these are great ideas to while away the hours during the deep freeze for us union suit wearers, particularly!
    ......Boston Samuel

  2. It’s still freezing cold in Rhode Island, so I’ve tried nearly all of the above ideas to stay warm, clad in my red union suit! Thanks for the tips.
