Saturday, May 27, 2023

Greetings From Canada:

Union Suit Fans: I just returned to civilization for a day or two, to shower, do some laundry, and re-supply before returning to the great outdoors. Hope you've had a great couple of weeks. My pal, Arnie, and I sure have. We had a successful time so far, catching plenty of fish and enjoying the trees, flowing water and wild life. But it sure tires a fella out. The sun was up far in the sky when Arnie snapped this picture of me doing my best to wake up and get on with our next venture.

It sure took awhile, but with the smell of his strong coffee, I was up and going after my second cup, wide-eyed and ready to tackle another perfect day! We head out tomorrow but will be back in a couple of weeks for more Union Suit Fan stories and photos.

1 comment:

  1. For a moment when I first saw the photo of this young man sleeping away the day in this long red underwear, I thought that was my boyfriend! LOL He's handsome like you, Chris; and he too sleeps in red union suits, spending a good deal of the year wearing them 24/7. He looks great in his onesies but don't call them that in front of him. Like you, he calls them his good ole "union suits!" Torrie, Flagstaff AZ
