Friday, July 28, 2023

                             Not So Scary Scarecrow

Sarah of Garden City, Michigan emailed to say that while visiting her parents in California this summer, she and her three kids created a scarecrow, fashioned from a suit of her dad's long red underwear. Over his protestations, her kids had a ball helping make the garden guardian. The youngsters thought their commandeering grandpa's union suit was a great joke on him. If they were unaware before, the neighbors now know of grandpa's preference for long red winter underwear! But no fear, grandpa has other union suits he can pull on when the weather becomes cooler this fall. 

The face was made from a metal pie plate, the face features from plastic milk bottle tops and yarn for his hair. Perhaps the scarecrow was not scary enough as it did not seem to frighten either the bunnies or the birds away!  

Sarah secured his union suit by buttoning the rear escape hatch around a clothesline pole. She went on to relate that their scarecrow in his red underwear was quite the sensation with neighbors and passerby's with some stopping to take photos with the new celebrity.

Thanks, Sarah to you and your kids for sending in this delightful creature. Union suit fans will no doubt consider making a scarecrow out of their long underwear too.


  1. Sarah that’s a cool scarecrow but seriously now how scary can that guy be with that beaming smile. He looks more like a greeter than someone who is supposed to keep the critters at bay. At any rate thanks for sharing…….Buckeye Mike

    1. Btw Chris I prefer to wear my union suits and not hang them on a pole in my garden…..Buckeye

    2. I don't know, Buckeye, with three young children, we didn't want him to look too scary. Anyway, how scary can anyone look, even a scarecrow, when wearing long red union suit underwear?! LOL... Sarah, Garden City
