Saturday, August 5, 2023

Happy National Underwear Day,
Union Suit Fans!


  1. Hope you had a great Nat'l Underwear Day, Chris....Rhode Island Randall

  2. I second that sentiment. Also I would like to know where these guys are getting their white or cream colored union suits? I’m having trouble finding finding any. Anyone out there with a helpful suggestion please let me know…….Buckeye Mike

  3. Chris: Who really cares about guys running around in their boxers or briefs or boxer briefs underwear?
    Why don’t you start a National Long Underwear Day? Or better yet for us fans, a National Union Suit Day!
    … Garth. (Gary, Indiana)

  4. In the interest of inclusivity, wouldn't a day in September or October be more appropriate for National Underwear Day to better accommodate union suit fans? It's a rare August 5th in Northern Illinois that I would be wearing a union suit! Unless I had some athletic shorties like Buckeye Mike's.-------Retro Jeff in Illinois
